Sunday, December 30, 2012

Life just doesn't end here! Testimony

Esto es lo que me sucedio cuando mi mamita fallecio. Y Dios la llevo a la luz y la eternidad...

Diciembre 18 martes: Hoy quedara marcado como uno de los días más largos de mi vida. En el trabajo estuve muy preocupado. Hable con Claudita, Ximena y Nubia. Me recomendaron decirle a German para adelantar vacaciones. Yo hable con el y me autorizo a irme de una vez si era necesario. Sali en la noche y fui a comer. De allí Sali para el cancerológico a estarme esa noche con mi mamita.
En el cancerológico, llegue y entre al cuarto especial de mi mamita. Estaba conectada a la mascara de oxigeno y tenia mucha dificultad para respirar. Estuve esa noche con ella, le lei del libro del nuevo testamento que regalan las personas del grupo “Gedeones”. Le dije que la amaba mucho, que me perdonara por cosas malas que había podido haber dicho o hecho. Le dije también que descansara cuando quisiera.
Despues de esto sentí un fuerte y pesado sueno. Me recosté al lado de ella tomándola de la mano derecha y recostando mi cabeza sobre la camilla. Dormi!
Despues de un momento me desperté y mi mamita se estaba quejando, aferre su mano y le dijo Tranquila mamita aquí estoy.
Nuevamente me desperté, mire el reloj y eran 10 para la media noche. Estaba el enfermero jefe, me dijo: “Tranquilo solo le estoy poniendo antibióticos.” Cada vez que despertaba miraba la respiración y la presión sanguínea de la vena de mi mamita. Cai nuevamente en un sueno muy profundo. Cuando desperté estaba una enfermera frente a unos aparatos médicos. Mire a mi mamita y vi que ya no estaba respirando. Mire a la enfermera y me dijo un poco exaltada:”hay que esperar que un medico la valore…” Yo me di cuenta que mi mami ya había partid y le dije: “ya no esta respirando cierto?” a lo que ella asintió con melancolía.
La enfermera salio del cuarto y yo me pare asustado, exaltado y bajo confusión. Dije:”Dios hablame”, abri la biblia y encontré apocalipsis 14 versiculo 13 y lo que Dios me dijo fue: “Oi una voz que desde el cielo decía: escribe: Bienaventurados de aquí en adelante los muertos que mueren en el señor. Si, dice el espíritu, descansaran de sus trabajos porque sus obras siguen”. Fue un momento maravilloso y entendí que mi mamita a pesar de haber partido en esa forma es bienaventurada por partir con el señor.

Diciembre 19 miercoles: a veces sentía que no era verdad y que mi mamita aun respiraba. Finalmente acepte el hecho de que ella ya había partido. Llore un rato y llame a mi papa para informarle. Despues a mi tio Orlando para que le informara al tio Fabio y tia Claudia. Vinieron por mi en carro. Mientras tanto yo oraba y agradecia porque fue la voluntad de Dios.
Nos fuimos para el apartamento y planeamos como decirle a mis nonitos tan delicada noticia. Trate de ser delicado pero a la vez no dar tantos rodeos y les dije la noticia. Lloramos todos unidos y nos abrazamos. Fue un momento bonito.
Ese dia Sali con mi tio Fabio todo el dia y fuimos al instituto de cancerología hacer las vueltas para el cuerpo de mi mamita y lo del funeral. Sacamos varias copias. En la tarde fui almorzar a la casa del tio Fabio y allí estuve. Dormi un rato porque estaba muy cansado. En la noche me reencontré con la familia y hablamos que logramos conseguir mañana un dia de velación, luego viaje al socorro para velación allí y finalmente el entierro en el Socorro, Santander donde nacio mi mamita.
Mami te voy a extrañar. Te fuiste un 19 de diciembre. Estuve junto a ti agarrando tu manita. Dios hablo de una forma clara. La muerte solo es el paso a un mejor lugar. No va a ser fácil, pero en tu memoria y para honrar el amor de Dios luchare y tendre mucho coraje y valentía para enfrentar lo que viene.

Dios me ha ayudado

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Starting to talk back with God... the beginning

 So you thought you didn't need God. You thought you could be good enough without God, with your pride, hatred, anger...
Well in my case, NO I Couldn't.
I fought against God. I even disliked God a lot. The fact that God wasn't showing healing in my family's environment. My mother is still sick of cancer and she is not getting good. Mom is in the hospital in the urgency room. I go to visit her during my lunch hour from work. It is hard to see her like that. She is losing control and probably losing faith too.
In the mist of suffering, frustration and anger with God. Suddenly my brother invited me to a meeting in what he called "a non denominational youth group". I went there and the spiritual environment was peaceful. A young man about 24 was talking about reconciliation with God. I was broken inside. After the mini speech they turned the lights off and told us to pray in intimacy with God. I prayed like never before. Something changed, I made peace with God, I cried, I returned to God with faith.
That was my personal experience of spiritual reconciliation.
Let's see what happens. I am expectant...

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The unfortunate event of spiritual euthanasia!

It is just bad enough to imagine how hard it might be for a family the big decision of pulling the plug off.

Well Imagine that you do that to you spiritual life. You kill that spiritual part of you. I guess sometimes with intention to do it and some other time without. The point is that we have the power to decide whether we continue to live spiritual lifes knowing there is a risk or we can just simply unplug our spirituality. I think the choice is to protect life whether it is physical, emotional or specially SPRITUAL!

Don't give up. It is spirituality what matters. Not a religion, not rules, not appearances

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Deductions outside the box in my Christian beliefs

I like to think and I do it a lot. Sometimes I question everything even the core of life itself and some other times I want to surrender and just belief without putting any reason to it.
I reflected on some topics and here are some deductions. Doesn't mean is the absolute truth of faith. I am not or right is only my opinion. Jesus is the only ultimate truth.


  • after Christ sacrifice we entered into an age of grace leaving and overcoming the old law give to the Jews in the old testament.
  • The bible was inspired by God through the holy spirit, unfortunately man is imperfect...
    some parts of the bible had been poisoned by the unclear and sinful hand of man. Changing the meaning.
  • God is not in control of all things and he chooses not to be in total control even though he is all powerful.
  • God does not want to kill or see people get killed. He would do it by himself/herself without the help of humans.
  •  A lot of religious so proclaimed spiritual people lack the gift of discernment.
  • A lot of religious people don't act accordingly to what they preach. Some Christians really haven't read what Jesus talks about. Others like me forget his words. Maybe with the idea of keeping away memories that will remind all of us the importance of a commitment in Christ.
  • Life with Jesus require a lot more sacrifice, love, humbleness, and forgiveness
  • some people just have a cold heart towards the spiritual knowledge, God and his son Jesus. 

Thursday, August 2, 2012

God what do you think about Religion?

Once in my prayers I thought it would be OK to ask God what he thinks about religions. It might sound strange and even weird someone asking God for this. Primarily because we relate religion with God himself, and the thing is that God is in this spiritual realm maybe thinking "What are these people doing?" "How can they hate each other so much".

Is very difficult to understand God but is even harder to understand why throughout history of mankind it seems like religion has and is been causing more harm than love. Is not necessary to remember all the horrors so many religions have perpetrated. Worst yet is the fact that most religions are based on a message preaching Love, peace, respect and high morals.

The only thing that keeps me going to church and protects me from becoming an agnostic or atheist is the message of Jesus. I only have to say that there is a big difference in going to church and repeat in a hypocritical manner what you hear and really understand what Jesus says and try to apply it to your life.

Whenever you doubt and feel life doesn't make any sense. Read the words of Jesus. Get a bible with the red letters of Jesus printed on it. I am sure that if you do this in the tough times you will feel a spiritual presence telling you is not over yet.  

The love and presence of Jesus be with you...

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Spiritual Coldness

I have tough situations just like any other person. After seeing the pain on my mother because of her cancer and how my faith was starting to become weaker a weaker I decided to analyze the causes.

Friday December 02 2011
Maybe I just want to write that's it!
spiritual coldness in the life of a christian is part of a mature christian life. 

One will experience spiritual coldness at some point and some characteristics are:
  • existentialism for many aspects of life
  • many doubts
  • questions
  • annoyance to the christian faith
  • despair and discontent with some christian people
  • lack of faith
  • Knowing what Jesus wants but avoid applying it
  • hard time believing all things come for good purpose of God
  • hard time believing the will of God is helping at the moment
  • desire to go nuts and go back to the past sinful life

reasons for the spiritual coldness:

  • circumstances in life
  • things aren't going the way we want.
  • unrealistic expectations from before. Like believing God is your servant and thinking that all people who claim to be Christians are truly Christ alike.


  • Ask God for Love 
  • Ask God for revelation 
  • Be honest in your prayers with God. 
  • Start practicing and improving FAITH 
  • be basically calm and avoid going back to the sinful past 
  • be a lot more patient 
  • don't take your emotional pain on to people.  
  • be silent so you won't destroy people with your words 
  • think before acting and talking 
  • Prudence 
  • Tolerance
Keep struggling and as Winston Churchill said "We Shall never surrender..."